Predator Foraging Ecology
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- Greene, C.H. and M.R. Landry. 1985. Patterns of prey selection in the cruising calanoid predator Euchaeta elongata. Ecology 66: 1408-1416.
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- Greene, C.H., M.R. Landry, and B. Monger. 1986. Foraging behavior and prey selection by the ambush entangling predator Pleurobrachia bachei. Ecology 67: 1493-1501.
- Greene, C.H. 1988. Foraging tactics and prey selection patterns of omnivorous and carnivorous calanoid copepods. Pages 295-302 in G. A. Boxshall and H. K. Schminke, editors. Biology of Copepods: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Copepoda. Kluwer Academic Publishers, London.
- Greene, C.H. and M.R. Landry. 1988. Carnivorous suspension feeding by the subarctic calanoid copepod Neocalanus cristatus. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 45: 1069-1074.
- Chandy, S.T. and C.H. Greene. 1995. Estimating the predatory impact of gelatinous zooplankton. Limnol. Oceanogr. 40: 947-955.
- Zamon, J.E., C.H. Greene, E. Meir, D.A. Demer, R.P. Hewitt, and S. Sexton. 1996. Acoustic characterization of the three-dimensional prey field of foraging chinstrap penguins. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 131: 1-10.
- Gal, G., L. G. Rudstam, E.L. Mills, J.R. Lantry, O.E. Johannsson, and C.H. Greene. 2006. Mysid and fish zooplanktivory in Lake Ontario: quantification of direct and indirect effects. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 63: 2734-2747.
Friday Harbor Laboratories
University of Washington
Friday Harbor, WA 98250